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Latest 2023 News

Keeping up to date on what is happing at Twin Peaks Farm

Hi everybody, it is halfway through the year, and a lot has been happening at Twin Peaks Farm, the home of Animal Biomechanical Solutions. Dr Lena and Darrall Clifford decided at the beginning of 2023 that they wanted to move forward with educating their followers and clients on all aspects of animal biomechanical welfare and available treatments. This meant that they would have to upgrade their facilities at the farm to ensure their clients and their animals have the best care in safe and inviting surroundings. And therefore, our lecturing room has been upgraded, and in the next couple of months, we will have an undercover area for our education and treatment programs that will improve the comfort and safety of our clients and their animals.

Our New Website

So in 2023, it was decided to build a new website, and that task fell to Darrall, and we believe he has done a fantastic job with our new site. It is a place where everybody can access the latest news and trusted information on all aspects of animal biomechanical medicine and treatments, as well as the services we offer regarding treatments and educational material.

You can also view and book your place at our up-and-coming Events by going to the home page, scrolling down to the "Our Events Schedule" section and RSVP for the event you wish to attend. Or, while you are on the site, why not take the time to read our blogs? We will attempt to post a new blog each month as part of our educational program.

Animal Chiropractic Courses

2023 is the year we started our long-awaited animal Autumn Chiropractic course for Veterinarians and Doctors of Chiropractic. This course is held in conjunction with the BackBone Academy Australia and is recognised by leading international associations such as The International Veterinary Chiropractic Association (IVCA), the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) and the Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage (COCA). And we were excited to host attendees from Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand and most states of Australia at Twin Peaks Farm. At the completion of these courses, the attendees can set their expectations for examination to become a member of the IVCA.

Our Summer course is now open for entry, and if you are thinking of broadening your treatment strategies and increasing your knowledge of animal biomechanical Locomotion, or you know of someone, then please check out the information for the courses on our site. As 2023 is the opportunity for you to enhance your business and personal careers by joining us in Australia and expanding your professional education in animal chiropractic therapy and rehabilitation.

We are pleased to host the course attendees and be a part of their formalisation into the internationally accredited animal chiropractic community at Twin Peaks Farm.

Equine Trimming Clinics

In 2023 and the future, we will conduct more of our very popular trimming clinics. These courses are suited to any horse owner, vet or hoof trimmer/farrier wanting to further their knowledge in hoof care. The course will cover half a day of theory and half a day of trimming. In the course, we will cover basic hoof anatomy, basic hoof architecture and our EOB trimming principles, and the importance of the hoof balance and hoof upper body connection. There will also be a component about tool handling and trimming theory. These trimming courses are designed to further your hoof care knowledge. Therefore, you start by attending your first course, called Day 1. If you wish to further your knowledge and skills on the subject, then you are able to work on that by attending the next progressive trimming course called Day 2, then Day 3 and so on until you have achieved what you wish to accomplish. To enrol in any of these courses, please book your spot through the Events Program at the bottom of the Home Page.

New Arrival Comming Soon

We have received numerous inquiries about Darrall's new book "Equine Biomechanical Medicine", and we are pleased to say that it will be released in the next few months. The book is now in the hands of our publisher, and they are doing their best to have it ready and presented in the same excellent format as his first book "Equine Orthopaedic Balance®.

Our reasoning for publishing “Equine Biomechanical Medicine” is so our students and people reading this book can fully understand the depths and complexities of trimming or shoeing the equine foot and being aware of the animal’s behavioural traits experiencing pain.

We all must first acknowledge the complexities of the different biological systems we are about to work with and then interpret the unique individual responses we observe and appreciate the result our interaction will have on the entire animal.

With the first book in the series Equine Orthopaedic Balance®, Darrall takes you through the basic information you need to know that will allow you to understand the trimming process of the equine foot in a safe and scientific manner that explains why or what not to do when trimming or shoeing the feet of your horse. Encouraged by the first book Darrall is now publishing his second book Equine Biomechanical Medicine, which further explores the influence of hoof balance on the equine body as a whole.

In this new era of advanced scientific studies and clinical trials, we have made significant advances in equine podiatry and awareness of the complex structures and functional issues afflicting today's equines, and Darrall has focused on these advancements in his books.

In the Future

2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year at Twin Peaks Farm, the home of Animal Biomechanical Solutions, and we would love you to be a part of it and join us in our pursuit of focusing on the unique individual animals in our care. Explore the courses, clinics and services we offer for your best friends, the animals in your care. Learn more about what we do by following us and reading our blogs and information on our webpage, as the ultimate aim of our company is to provide up-to-date world-leading information on biomechanical medicine for optimal skeletal alignment in your animal.

In this new era of advanced scientific studies and clinical trials, we have made significant advances in equine podiatry and awareness of the complex structures and functional issues afflicting today's equines. These scientific studies and clinical trials are the same in all animals, and at Animal Biomechanical Solutions, we follow them closely so that we can provide any of your animals with the individual treatment there require to remain healthy and enjoy life.

Thank you for following us at Animal Biomechanical Solutions and entrusting your animal's care to us, along with those of you who attended our clinics and courses and have faith in us to supply you with the correct information when it comes to your beloved animal.

Dr Lena and Darrall Clifford

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